on your interest with our company and our services. It is our
sincere hope that you find us to be an exemplary tax preparation
office that will be every bit as successful in satisfying your
needs as the original Seland
& Winn™ Tax Services has been here in Buffalo, New
1988 the name Seland &
Winn™ Tax Services has been synonymous with phrases such
as “Best
Accountants,” Kenmore
Record Advertiser; “Best Accounting Offices,” The
Buffalo News; “Best Tax Preparation and Accounting
Services,” The Batavia Daily News. Our
goal is to impart to and prepare for you all of a comprehensive
and varied menu of Income Tax and Accounting services that will
help you repeatedly throughout your life events and issues.

have traced our steps repeatedly, refined and redefined our
products, and analyzed all of the details. The groundwork has been
very carefully laid to make our menu of Tax Preparation and
Accounting services the industry leader and effective for you
whenever such a change in life situation arises, from career and
marriage to family, investment profits, self-employment,
inheritance and retirement issues. This equates to a successful and satisfying experience
every time, so that you will at once recognize and appreciate the
quality, consistency and convenience associated with planning
their next visit to Seland & Winn™ Tax Services.
have presented our Website to be easy to navigate throughout.
We also believe in a Website full of knowledge and
assistance for you and for all taxpayers from all walks of life
with all types of life experiences. Our Website strives to be as user-friendly for you as
you will experience at your visit to any Seland & Winn™ Tax
Services office.
these ends, we are continuously looking to improve in all areas of
the Seland & Winn™ Tax Services environment. Your feedback, as such, is always welcome.
hope you are as excited about your visit to our Website as we are
excited to have you visit the Seland
& Winn™ Tax Services family, and we look forward to
assisting you in your goals and the success of your Income Tax and
Accounting program, whatever life events you may experience…
sincerely yours,
A. Seland
Keith A. Seland
and CEO